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Your Great Life TV - Dare To Live Fully - Part 77
Get FREE ACCESS to my video course "How To Make a Man Feel Crazy About You (in 90 Days or Less)"

Four power food-swaps for a healthier you

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How would you like to discover four very commonly used foods that you can easily and instantly swap out for much healthier alternatives in order to gain energy and experience long term health benefits? Which one(s) of these four will you commit to swapping today? Watch This Video

Is there a secret to letting go?

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How easy is it for you to really let go? Is there a secret to doing this, I mean really letting go at a heart-deep level not just at an intellectual one? This video is all about finding out what it takes to really let go. What do you need to let go of today, this week, this lifetime? Watch This Video

Deja de mentirte para poder crecer

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(This is the once a week episode in Spanish) El hecho de mentirte a ti mismo para “evitar” sentir dolor parecería ser una estrategia que funciona a corto plazo pero ¿tienes idea de lo que este hábito le cuesta a tu vida? ¿Cómo te haz mentido a ti mismo(a) en el pasado? Watch This Video

Are you actively seeking out miracles in your life?

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This week’s GreatLifeReview focuses on an AMAZING, woman whose message is not only beautiful but deep: Gabrielle Bernstein. After watching my video review click on the “Share the love” link to see a short intro video of her and get a sense of the power and depth of her message. You can also see the link to her life transforming vlog.Watch This Video

The secret to escape the 10 second “life climax”

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Have you ever felt the tension or “itch” that arises from the balance between enjoying the moment and wanting to have or be more? What is the secret to a lasting sense of fulfillment rather than a fleeting sense of joy that washes away like the tides on the shore?. Once you’ve watched the video, tell me how do you balance out these two forces? How can you personally avoid living the 10 second life climax? Watch This Video