What if it were possible to leave those illusions that are holding you back at the doorstep of your day? What would happen if today you acted in spite of “thinking” that you do not know what your passion is and gave fully despite not being sure what your deepest gift is about? My video today is an invitation to walk freely without any expectations about what you should or should not know, be or should not be, and enjoy the freedom that arises from being really you.… Watch This Video
It’s my honor to share the light, radiance and wisdom of a beautiful woman with heart of gold. Hillary is a shining force for good with a visible thirst for helping others ditch their fears and live closer to their truth. I invite you to invest a few minutes of your day and listen to the many gift she has to offer. I also challenge you to find a way to make these gifts part of your everyday life.… Watch This Video
Do you remember what your heart longed to express when you were a child? Did you want to be a fireman, a singer, a ballerina, a rockstar? Have you ever stopped to think about why? Well, today I offer you a unique gift you can give yourself: a quick journey into how to shine that light you once knew you were meant to be with the outside world (regardless of what you do today)..… Watch This Video
One of the most important questions you can ask yourself is: what makes the difference between people who perform in ways that go beyond all expectations vs most, who live a life far below their soul’s potential. The video I share today expresses the most fundamental key that can help you live in a way that is always consistent with your potential rather than your fears.… Watch This Video
Days come and go and entire lives are wasted when people hold back most of their sense of fulfillment, gratitude, passion, or fulness until they reach a significant milestone. Most humans live under the illusory belief that in order to be as free as they can be, something must change. My video today addresses this myth and offers an answer to the question: How to be freedom and gratitude in the now?… Watch This Video