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Emotional Force | Yourgreatlifetv.com - Part 14
Get FREE ACCESS to my video course "How To Make a Man Feel Crazy About You (in 90 Days or Less)"

Category Archives: Emotional Force

Are filling up your heart or your bag? What really matters in life.

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What are you spending your time, sweat, energy, focus and life creating? If you are honest with yourself, how much of what you’re striving to achieve, be and have is really nontranscendental? Today my short message focuses on regaining perspective on what really matters most and why you can instantly shift to focus on that too.Watch This Video

The easy way to avoid missing the point in life

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I am so excited to be back recording this today after 2 weeks in Spain. Today I want to share with you the easy way to ensure you don’t miss out on the most important part of life, living fully. How often do you think about how your average, mundane and day to day actions contribute to leading an immensely rich life? Today, I ask you to look within these simple moments to find the elusive key that most people unfortunately miss out on.Watch This Video

The biggest gift you can share on earth

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What is your mission? What is your passion? What is your purpose? My video today sheds a different perspective on these and asks you to stop searching for it in order to accomplish your mission through being fulfilled and alive from the inside out. What would your life be like if you focused on radiating happiness instead of driving yourself crazy by wanting to find your true purpose?Watch This Video

Could you start over again and win?

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What if that thing you fear losing the most were gone in a heartbeat and you had to re-build it from scratch? (business, job, friendships). Do you have the certainty within that you could do it again and enjoy the process? Life is unpredictable, creating that strong sense of certainty within that you have all you need to handle anything life throws at you is one of the best habits you can cultivate. Today I explore this topic on my 3 minute video.Watch This Video

Are you fully & madly in love with life?

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If you answer this honestly, would you say you are truly in love with life? If the answer is not a resounding yes, I want to offer you a perspective on why anyone can feel a sense of deep gratitude and passion towards living right now. I will also share my newest free video program titled “Fall In Love With Life Today – 7 immediate Strategies to Reconnect With Your Purpose and Experience Fulfillment, Love & Abundance Now.Watch This Video